Active England, a £95 million programme funded by the National Lottery, was successful in getting nearly 1.5 million people participating in sport, a report published today reveals.
The programme, funded and managed by Sport England and the Big Lottery Fund, helped hundreds of thousands of people from traditionally hard to reach communities to take up sport and physical activity. These included:
• 578,000 women and girls.
• 217,000 people from black and ethnic minority communities.
• 173,000 people who had been inactive for the previous 12 months.
• 665,000 people from deprived communities.
Says Judith Dean, Sport England’s director of communities: “Active England has brought sporting opportunities to nearly one and half million people – and the focus on sustainability has ensured that these projects will go on delivering for years to come. Learning from the best examples of partnership and innovative ways of working will help us to achieve our goal of getting one million people playing and enjoying more sport.”
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