Welcome to this month’s Sports Insight
What a summer we have had so far. The sun blazing down, the general public enjoying the uncharacteristic British weather and schoolchildren enjoying the long holidays. But before long it will be time to think about going back to school, Autumn days and colder temperatures.
Hopefully, everyone will have had a good summer and is prepared for the new season. It won’t be long now! In this issue we talk to mountaineering legend that is Chris Bonington. He talks about his life, some of his most exciting challenges and how changes in technology have aided the modern mountaineer.
We also interview the triathlon star Tim Don following the accident that left him with a broken neck and his road to recovery and ambition to take an Ironman world championship medal.
Paul Sherratt takes a closer look at own label options, even for the smallest independent retailer. Fiona Bugler examines how forward thinking brands are picking up on the rising trend for online coaching, and making education a core value. Also, with the rise of the world wide web,
Mike Seaman, Managing Director of Raccoon Events, explains why live events are essential despite the online boom.