The Federation of Sports and Play Associations (FSPA) has been approached to partner with the County Sports Partnership Network, the Department of Health and Sport England on the first-ever National CSP Network Convention, which is to be held on Tuesday, March 30 2010.
This opportunity comes after the FSPA developed a new partnership, on behalf of member companies, in 2009 with the CSPN, holding a joint event, workshop and establishing a steering group committee, who are progressing pilot projects between CSPs and FSPA member companies.
The FSPA is attending with both an information stand and interactive sports area at the convention, where it will have the opportunity to promote member companies (and their products) to over 300 key representatives from CSPs nationwide, which include the 5-Hour offer lead, the National Governing Body lead, the Physical Activity lead and each CSP Director and Chair.
The convention is based on the theme ‘Working Together…it’s the way to succeed’. The FSPA has been asked to provide a session to all 49 CSP chairs and directors entitled ‘Working With Industry…to help you succeed’ to outline the new partnership and encourage CSPs to work with FSPA member companies.
A new FSPA/CSP messageboard portal has been set up to aid communication and partnership opportunities between both parties, which currently sits on the members’ section of the FSPA website ( and will be launched to all 300 delegate at the convention.
For more information about this and other initiatives the FSPA and its sports associations are involved in, visit or contact Milly Durrant at or call 02476 414 999.