Statement from Glenway
Good Afternoon All,
We feel it would be very irresponsible to continue running our business as normal, so over the last week we have put in place various measures and changes to the way Glenway will operate from tomorrow, Tuesday, March 24 2020.
We feel the best option would be to close for a period so that everyone can self-isolate, however we know the months ahead are going to be a terrible time for the trophy businesses and we do not want to put any of our customers in the position of having orders but then with no supply. Therefore, we are taking the following measures:
Thanks to the new technology implemented earlier on this year, all web sales, telephone sales and enquiries will be dealt with us working from home.
The ‘office hours’ will remain the same at 8.30am through to 5pm and you can still reach us on the usual telephone number 0116 244 8131.
We will also be working with the absolute minimal staff in our warehouse following the governments guidelines.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our customers for their support at such a strange and uncertain time.
We must stick together but from afar and look forward to the restart of the sporting and trophy season and happier times to come.
Wishing you and your loved ones good health.
Yours Sincerely
The Glenway Team