
Immune launched by Science in Sport

SCIENCE In Sport have launched a new product to boost an athlete’s immune system.

The new low-calorie rehydration drink, called Immune, is designed to support and maintain the body’s immune function during and after exercise.

It aids hydration after exercise, while providing the body with what it needs to support immune function.

Ted Munson, Performance Nutritionist for SiS, said: “Heavy training is known to impact the immune system, suppressing it for 3-72 hours post-training.

“This can lead to a higher incidence of upper respiratory tract infections, impacting an athletes’ health and their ability to train, which ultimately has a negative impact on performance.

“Take an SiS Immune in 500ml of water immediately after exercise, to help promote immune function.”


The rehydration drink provides Vitamin C to support the body’s immune system during and after intense physical exercise.

Iron supports the normal function of the immune system and contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

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