The number of adults across England who regularly participate in sport and active recreation has increased, with the over-55s leading the way, a Sport England survey has revealed.
Early results of Sport England’s second year of ‘The Active People Survey’ shows that the number of adults aged 16-plus participating in 30 minutes of moderate intensity sport or active recreation three times a week has increased by 359,423. And it was the 55s and over who contributed the biggest leap with a 1.3 per cent increase – from 10.9 per cent to 12.2 per cent. Men’s participation in sport and active recreation increased by 1.1 per cent (from 21.5 per cent to 22.6 per cent), according to the survey, but there was no significant change in women’s sport participation.
Across England 34 sports have enjoyed significant growth in participation levels. The biggest increases were in people going to the gym, following by playing outdoor football and road running.