
Maximuscle sold to GlaxoSmithKline for £162 million

GlaxoSmithKline’s £162 million acquisition of Maximuscle has been approved by the Office of Fair Trading.

The pharmaceutical and healthcare company owns brands such as Lucozade, Horlicks and Ribena.

Maximuscle develops and markets a range of scientifically tested sports nutrition performance foods used by gym users, top rugby and football clubs and world class athletes.

It was founded in 1995 by sports nutrition expert Zef Eisenberg and has seen rapid growth, driven by increasing interest in performance food, healthy eating, exercise and body image.

Eisenberg, president of Maximuscle, says: “We had no intention of selling the business, but GSK approached us quietly with tomorrow’s price today.

“Clearly they could see the amazing growth opportunity that exists, especially after we had just introduced Maxifuel, an energy range. and Maxitone, a female gym range, which are both gaining increasing market share.

“After months of discussion and testing the products in every way, they could see that the brand was unique in its quest for perfection, quality, customer loyalty and satisfaction.

“We are delighted to have found a buyer that has a proven track record in developing brands and taking them to the next stage.

“Having founded the business 15 years ago, I am pleased to finally hand over the reigns to a company as professional as GSK.”

Eisenberg has been asked by GSK to stay on as a consultant, with no restrictions to his other ventures.

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