Following a successful Kickstarter campaign, Motionlab officially launch their debut product, the revolutionary Motionlab Active Commute.
In 2018 Strava reported a whopping 18 million cycle commutes and 4.5 million run commutes in the UK and Ireland, and the trend is up year on year. However, one of the constraining factors is the impact of carrying a heavyweight to and from work on the body.
Motionlab’s design concept is a complete revolution in the backpack market, which was developed for over nine years and in 2018 won a prestigious Gold in the Industrial/Product category at the Creative Design Awards. It is the only backpack in the world which takes 100 per cent of the weight off your shoulders and gives the wearer a ‘weightless’ feel by directing all the weight to the hips, where the human body is designed to carry load.
The flexible spine mirrors the human body’s own spine, allowing you to twist, bend, extend and flex, and the wraparound harness locks the bag solidly on your back however you move. Each bag is fully adjustable to the owner’s exact body dimensions ensuring a perfect fit.
With a large capacity of 20 litres, the bag is more than capable of holding everything you need for the office. The design has been tailored to work as an office bag once you reach your destination, with sleek styling and clever features such as separate compartments for shoes, clothes and the space for a 15” laptop.
Rob Moncreiff, founder of Motionlab, said: “The idea came out of my personal experience of trying to find a bag that was actually appropriate for running to work with. I tried out different bags and they all bounced too much, my shoulders and neck constantly ached, and I was never comfortable. I looked at how the body naturally moves and designed a bag that mirrored it – placing any load on the hips where the body is designed to carry it and therefore freeing up all the moving parts of the body – including the shoulders.
“Using online funding platforms and having met with as many runners, cyclists and physiotherapists as possible, we’ve designed a bag to fit the needs of the active commute.”
Being able to comfortably move with a laptop and everything they need for the office benefits Runners alongside Cyclists. Removing all the weight from the shoulders unloads the spine leading to better posture and performance, plus has a myriad of long-term health benefits. The Motionlab Active Commute also enables run-commuters to travel further and for longer by increasing comfort.
Paul Goss, of BodyLogic Physiotherapy, said: “I found the bag surprisingly really comfortable and it feels supportive across the chest and not restrictive. The straps across the chest allow you to breathe comfortably. The major benefit I found when using the bag was the lack of pressure through the arms and shoulders allowing me to control my body position when running. This means that the body is not being rotated by the bag making this a unique product in the market.”