Run for Climate Change’ continues into 2021 with support from familiar faces
Run For Climate Change is a new annual virtual event created in 2020 and growing in 2021.
After the great success and interest in the 2020/2021 event, the collaboration between One Running Movement and Planet-U Energy continues with 2,000 places just released for 2021/2022.
To kick off the 2021 launch Planet-U Energy CEO Grant Nicholson pledged to run 7 Marathons across the month of March with an average of 10K a day. Today saw former Leeds Rhinos star Jamie Peacock MBE joining Grant on a socially distanced 10K at Leeds’s Roundhay Park.
#GrantsMarchMarathons aims to raise awareness about climate change and One Running Movement’s pledge to People, Planet and Purpose.
Classed as an honesty run, the chosen distance needs to be completed by 31st March 2022. The dis-tance can be run or walked and can be done as an individual, a business or a family to encourage #MoveForLife whilst making a collective difference to planet health as well as mental and physical health, an all round winner!
There is a difference with this virtual event – runners don’t just get a wooden medal that is ethically and sustainably sourced whilst supporting local communities, for every entry received a tree is planted in
Yorkshire by Planet-U Energy with a biodegradable plaque featuring the runner’s name or dedicated to a friend, relative or loved one.
There have been some amazing runner stories so far and heart-warming dedications of the trees to loved ones and family lost for various reasons including Covid-19. In addition to the names on the biodegradable plaques a page on the One Running Movement website will feature messages to loved ones.
Runners of all ages can sign up to run a chosen distance of 5K, 10K, Half Marathon or Marathon, in line with their health and wellbeing goals, and by doing so they aim to achieve the following:
1. Helping themselves by being active and having a positive goal to aim or train for
2. Helping to educate by raising awareness of climate change and renewable energy
3. Helping communities where the wooden medals are made
4. Helping charities who are committed to climate change and mental health
5. Helping the planet by a tree being planted in Yorkshire woodland for every runner taking part
Samaritans and Surfers Against Sewage are the benefiting charities, with £1 from every Run for Climate Change entry donated to each charity.
A picture of the tree will be sent to each runner within 12 months of it being planted.
Registrations for #RunForClimateChange are open now, and runners can complete their pledged dis-tance until the end of March 2022. Different entry options are available for individuals, families or busi-nesses, with adult entry (age 17+) at £12 and children / young adults entry (age 16 and under) at £6 with everyone receiving the same rewards.
To enter visit: https://www.onerunningmovement.com/run-for-climate-change/
Planet-U Energy (PUE) is the UK’s fastest growing, independent, renewable energy company with the aim to help all businesses switch to renewable energy to save time and money whilst reducing their carbon footprint.
One Running Movement (ORM) was established to help to create more active communities and support the creation of healthy habits, utilising the power of sport to improve physical and health and mental health.
Planet-U Energy is one of the Foundation Partners and Powered by Partners working together with found-ers Rebecca Richardson and Joe Williams. Foundation Partners include Polar, Up & Running, New Bal-ance, One Water, McLEAR and National Pride, UKRunChat, Women’s Running, Run Mummy Run, Social Run Group, Breathe Unity and Social Chain.
Go to the www.onerunningmovement.com/ for further details about the different entry packages, and to make sure that one of the 2,000 trees planted in the woodland in March 2022 will feature your name or the name of a loved one.
You can also like One Running Movement on Facebook and follow @onerunmovement on Twitter and Instagram to keep up to date with all the latest news #MoveForLife #RunForClimateChange