STAG Buying Group has seen another surge in interest from independent retailers, recruiting nine new members from sport, outdoor and STAG’s newest sector – printwear and promotion.
The nine new members are Wirral Sports, Wirral; Match-Point Sports, Surrey; Camping and Kite Centre, Monmouthshire; Blandford Sports, Dorset; Satellite Sports, Ivybridge; Outdoor Life, Ballymoney; Bike and Run, London; Initially Yours, Bristol; and Rugby Heaven, Cwmbran.
Says managing director, Ward Robertson (pictured): “We are delighted to attract such a diverse range of new members to STAG. This kind of growth gives everyone an advantage through increased buying power and profile, as much as by the contribution of some new voices in our community.”
Current STAG membership stands at over 600 independent retail outlets, which in combination have strong buying power with over 130 leading brands. STAG’s commitment to developing its range of offerings means a host of initiatives are constantly available to member retailers across all sectors.
Says Robertson: “It’s not just the buying power that encourages membership, although we are very pleased with our achievement in that area on behalf of members. Our new members get instant access to everything we provide, from marketing advice and free advertising to credit control help and more effective financial solutions.”
In other STAG news, the buying group has created a new company role. Called Members Co-ordinator, the new post, filled by Maureen Gilchrist, has been designed to further even closer relationships with members.
Members will know Maureen as Mo, and will no doubt welcome her appointment, having spent two years in STAG’s credit control department. With a start date of December, Maureen’s remit is to promote new initiatives both internally and externally and provide increased feedback to STAG on members’ requirements and expectations.
Says STAG managing director, Ricky Chandler: “We want to get feedback from our members and have provided a dedicated resource to facilitate this. We need to know where we’re doing well and, more importantly, where we could be doing better. This way we can constantly evolve our service in keeping with members’ real wants and desires.”
On the appointment of Gilchrist, Chandler said: “Mo knows and understands our members, not just from personal contact, but also with a keen eye on finance, which is critical to our independent retailers. This isn’t a woolly appointment. It’s a role that we highly value and as with any new initiative, it is critical that we choose the best possible hands to further its potential.”