ISPO ACADEMY Presents Study on the Sports Equipment Market
The ISPO Sports Evolution Report provides answers to questions about the future of the sports industry.
The boundaries between individual sports segments are becoming increasingly blurred.
The sports equipment industry is facing the challenge of exploiting new opportunities for growth and identifying trends in good time, and so knowledge about what customers think and their interests is becoming more and more important.
In a representative study, ISPO Academy, working together with the market research institute Konzept und Markt, surveyed over 3,500 consumers from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
The report scrutinized the sports equipment market from the point of view of the consumer, and redefined it.
The ISPO Sports Evolution Report provides comprehensive guidance for retailers and brand manufacturers, and delivers important consumer insights for the further development of the industry.
The representative study, which ISPO produced in cooperation with Konzept und Markt GmbH, provides, for the first time, in-depth insights from over 3,500 consumers from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
Consumer experts from the ISPO Community were also surveyed and their responses were compared to the representative population of consumers.
The ISPO Sports Evolution Report identifies customers’ interests and needs, provides an insight into shopping habits, and clearly shows that the subject of sustainability is becoming more and more important when buying sports equipment.
The increasing impact of digitalization on society is triggering interesting developments across many sports-related fields.
For example, over 60 per cent of those surveyed either already had a fitness tracker at home or intended to buy one in the near future.
Fitness apps are also already very popular and their popularity is set to rise.
These and other findings from the study will be presented to the general public at ISPO Munich 2017.
You can also purchase the study from the ISPO SHOP