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PROFESSIONAL TRIATHLETES ORGANISATION LAUNCHES Definitive data analytics and statistics website

PROFESSIONAL TRIATHLETES ORGANISATION LAUNCHES Definitive data analytics and statistics website

Comprehensive online portal signals a new era of innovation in athlete and fan engagement for triathlon.
LONDON, ENGLAND:The Professional Triathletes Organisation (PTO) looks to take athlete insight and fan engagement to a whole new level in the sport of long-distance Triathlon with the launch of, revolutionising the way triathlon data is displayed and consumed.
In this comprehensive new resource, the PTO aims for sports fans everywhere to grow in their appreciation, understanding and love of the sport of Triathlon by being able to fully analyse and comprehend the tremendous performances of PTO Professionals.
Key product features of include…
1. A single platform for key performance stats and analytics on all PTO Professionals
2. Equal representation of male female athletes
3. All-time record scores and times
4. A consolidation of major long-course triathlon results since 1978
5. The new home of PTO World Rankings and Collins Cup Qualification Standings
6. Head-to-Head athlete comparison capability across disciplines
Comparisons of PTO Professionals across different distances and courses, including the ability to see the best performances in individual disciplines, mean it will be an informative tool for data hungry fans to learn about their favourite athletes and how they performed historically and in the current season. It will be an equally useful resource for both media partners looking for in-depth analysis of race results as well as brands looking to promote their athlete’s performances.

Christophe Balestra, Chief Technology Officer of the PTO, said, “Triathlon fans are all too painfully aware that sources of triathlon stats are limited and disparate. Fans would have to browse multiple sites to get a consolidated view of stats from men’s and women’s race performances. This is about to change as the PTO launches a one-stop -shop for current and historic triathlon data and analytics”.
Charles Adamo, Executive Chairman of the PTO, commented, “In today’s “Moneyball” world, sports are driven by data and statistics. Triathlon, by the nature of its three disciplines, creates immense amounts of data. When presented together with the personalities and sporting drama that races produce, this data makes for an engaging and thrilling experience. We are now able to showcase PTO Professionals via personality driven storylines and supplement it with the in-depth performance data that highlights their tremendous competitive accomplishments. Our goal is to implement and deliver this data to fans in an exciting and user-friendly way.
In creating a comprehensive Triathlon Stats Platform, the athlete-led sporting body is taking another step forward in helping to transform triathlon into a broader, mass-consumed, fan-friendly international sporting property.

About the PTO
The Professional Triathletes Organisation is a not-for-profit entity consisting of both men and women professional triathletes who have come together to form a representative body which not only gives them a meaningful voice in the way the sport operates but a means to contribute to its growth for the benefit of the entire triathlon community. The PTO seeks to showcase the passion, talents, determination, struggles and achievements of its dedicated professionals through iconic events, reimagined broadcast and compelling storytelling, inspiring global sports fans to watch, engage and participate in Triathlon. The PTO’s inaugural flagship event, The Collins Cup, will be held on 28th August 2021 in Samorin, Slovakia and will be a head-to-head showdown between the world’s greatest athletes to determine who rules triathlon. Sign up here for updates.

Jane Hansom
Head of Communications
Professional Triathletes Organisation

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