Third Year Of Scottish Cycling Running And Outdoor Pursuits Show promises to be bigger and better than ever before
SEC Glasgow – 3 & 4 March 2018. The Scottish Cycling Running and Outdoor Pursuits Show is the biggest consumer event of its kind north of Birmingham and excitement is building with less that 8 weeks remaining until the third annual event gets under way.
Over 85% of the hall space has already been sold and more than 100 exhibitors, including many of the UK’s leading cycling, running and outdoor sports brands will be in attendance at the event which provides a crucial retail and branding opportunity right at the start of the season.
“We were quite simply amazed at the interest generated by the exhibition. The show itself was extremely well organised and we were totally impressed. Quite simply, phenomenal!”
Robbie Rooney MBAPO, Sport Orthotics
The 2018 show will be the biggest and best in the history of the event with some phenomenal new interactivities, which will continue to ensure that movement around the hall and consumer dwell time, are unsurpassed.
“The way the interactive elements are placed is really well done….there is great movement around the hall which makes it easy for us to talk to people”
Andrew Griffin, Country Manager, Bianchi UK
New Activities for 2018 include
· 60 meter indoor zip line
· New & improved indoor mountain bike track sponsored by Bosch
· 360 degree cycle challenge
· Tacx cycle challenge
· Mystery mile marathon challenge with a fully expensed trip to a top marathon including guaranteed place, up for grabs.
It is well documented that participation in cycling and running is at an all time high in Scotland and the launch of the Scottish Cycling, Running and Outdoor Pursuits show came along at the perfect time to offer manufacturers, retailers and race organisers a unique platform for face to face interaction with this growing market.
There are a small number of stands remaining, which would provide an ideal opportunity for any business looking to retail, data capture or launch a new product.
To learn more visit www.scottishcyclingrunningoutdoorpursuitsshow.co.uk
Or email events@psp.uk.net
“I was amazed at just how big this show is – I mean its absolutely rammedl!”
Elish McColgan, Olympian