No matter where your political allegiances lie, everyone seems to agree that to take today’s general election result for granted would be foolish. Recent events have shown that it’s better to accept a level of unpredictability. Indeed, some polls show Labour closing the gap on the Conservatives, so the prospect of a hung parliament or a shock win for Labour shouldn’t be ruled out.
We’re having to tolerate a lot of uncertainty; even when we know the results when we wake up tomorrow morning we still won’t know exactly how policies, whether new, adapted or existing, will affect us and our businesses. And on no issue is this more the case than for Brexit.
Brexit will dominate politics for some time to come with the strong possibility that it will open up a can of worms; the more the negotiating process unfolds the more complex and detailed it is likely to become.
The sports and play trade is an excellent example of this. Whilst we want what many other UK businesses and industries want – the avoidance of new tariffs, for example – a lot of our members’ concerns are highly specific to the sports and play sector.
Whoever wins today or if it ends up in a hung parliament, the FSPA will be working from the outset on behalf of our members – on the wider wish-list common to most business, but also on the detailed, precise nuts-and-bolts of our sports and play industries.
We’ll also be keeping a close eye on the next government’s commitment to the Childhood Obesity Strategy and the Soft Drinks Industry Levy – both of which have significant implications for our industry.