Additional information for runners – Breakthrough for music loving runners
Aftershokz hit gold with ‘the friendly one’
Cheshire-based AfterShokz and Mablethorpe Marathon come together in new race partnership
Leading sports headphone company AfterShokz, based in Winsford, Cheshire have agreed terms on a new
partnership with the organisers of the Mablethorpe Marathon, known as The Friendly One and holding a BARR gold
AfterShokz, the UK’s leading open-ear sports headphone brand, is to partner with The Mablethorpe Marathon
Foundation for the marathon and half-marathon events held on Sunday October 4.
Helen Nicholson, Chair of the The Mablethorpe Marathon Foundation said: “We are delighted to have signed this
new agreement with AfterShokz and look forward to working alongside the team for the first time at the
Mablethorpe Marathon in October.
“We are extremely proud of the Mablethorpe Marathon having been awarded a Gold grade by the British Association
of Road Races the highest of the grades which demands the very highest standards of race organisation and
provision. We also appreciate that many people train or race with music, and many want to listen to it as they take
part in our events, but because conventional headphones are designed to block out ambient sounds, we continue to
recommend runners do not use MP3 players with conventional ear buds. AfterShokz headphones are different in
that their open ear design, which sits on the jaw bone, keep the ears free to hear ambient sounds which heightens
awareness and fosters greater safety.”
AfterShokz President and CEO Bruce Borenstein said: “We’re thrilled to be on board as the official headphone partner
of the Mablethorpe Marathon and to support this gold standard race which caters for the needs of runners of all
abilities and speeds.
AfterShokz open ear headphones have secured a series of national and international awards for their innovation and
For further information on the Mablethorpe Marathon go to www.mablethorpemarathon.org.uk
For more information about the Aftershokz range go to www.aftershokz.co.uk