In the final article in the current series from the Company behind OS1st, the truly unique graduated compression sports support and braces, ing Source Limited’s Retail Operations Director, Darren Alger, presents how retailers can sell the product before buying it.
In the past few issues we have tried to explain what makes our products different and truly unique, compared to other ‘compression’ garments and sleeves out in the marketplace. We have illustrated that every person walking through your store’s doors or visiting your website is a potential customer of our range. There’s been some examples of how to introduce the products to your customers – whoever they may be – and finally how upselling or upserving your current sales with our products can have a dramatic effect on your net profitability per sale (more than double it)!
In this final article in the series, I am going to explain how we as a brand are different to all of our competitors by helping you introduce new products and new brands into your stores, whether they are bricks and mortar or virtual/online.
Many retailers tell us that they love the product. They think it’s better than any other on the market. It’s a truly unique range. BUT they are overstocked on existing, slow-moving compression. They have no room due to the aforementioned slow-moving product. Until we sell the existing products, it’s difficult to free up investment in new products. Sound familiar? Well, the OS1st Serve Assist Programme is here to help overcome these.
What is OS1st Serve Assist?
1. WE provide the bricks and mortar store a sample of each of the product.
2. WE provide the approved images and copy for your online presence.
3. YOU agree to promote the complete range through all of your mediums (store and online if applicable).
4. YOU sell the product and collect the cash from the customer.
5. YOU send the order details to our customer services team.
6. WE pack and dispatch the order to YOUR customer.
7. WE invoice YOU/Buying Group 90% of the published Suggested Retail Price.
8. YOU pay in line with standard terms of trade.
So the benefits are pretty clear:
YOU do not have to worry about space.
YOU do not have cash tied up in stock.
YOU have a positive cash flow offering the most current range in the marketplace.
YOU have no order packing or fulfillment services.
YOU can watch the uptake of the product and then decide what to buy to sell in the traditional way, increasing you margins.
A no-risk, positive cash-flow solution!
Let’s just remind you again of our range:
• FS6 – Foot Sleeve 6 zones of compression.
• CS6 – Calf Sleeve 6 zones of compression.
• PS3 – Patella Sleeve 3 zones of compression.
• KS6 – Knee Sleeve 6 zones of compression.
• ES3 – Elbow Sleeve 3 zones of compression.
• WS6 – Wrist Sleeve 6 zones of compression.
• FS6+ – This is a CS6 and FS6 combined – actually delivering 11 zones of compression.
If you’re interested in either stocking our products or joining the OS1st Serve Assist Programme, contact us – we’ll be pleased to work with you.