Sport Instant Ice Pack
• Perfect for use on all soft tissue injuries
• Pack gets colder and lasts longer
than a standard ice pack
• Fits easily into any kit bag or first aid kit
• Great alternative to ice from the freezer
• Pack can remain cold for up to an
hour at room temperature
Instant Ice Packs
Instant Ice Packs are now seen as an essential item in any first aid kit and because of
their multipurpose use they are perfect for treating soft tissue injuries, burns, bruising
and for reducing inflammation.
The Original Instant Ice Pack is perfect for wrapping around the injured area due to its longer pack size. The Sport
Instant Ice Pack can help speed up recovery times due to the lower temperature that the pack can achieve.
The Kool Kids Cold Packs are one of the only first aid items that are recommended for use in schools. The Compact
Instant Ice Packs are great for use on smaller areas and provide immediate relief to an injured area.
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