The digital boom brought about by the covid-19 pandemic has fast-tracked shoppers’ expectations – they now expect more digital engagement embedded in their physical shopping journeys.
But how does your in-store customer experience (CX) shape up? And are you ready to take advantage of the digital revolution happening at the shelf-edge?
Recent research of over 2,000 UK shoppers in the ‘Pricer Consumer Insight Report 2021’ showed that 49% now want more digital signage or information at the shelf edge. And this is particularly important for sports goods, where shoppers want to understand the technical spec of items they’re browsing. And, if they can’t access this conversion-dependant information, shoppers will vote with their feet; 45% have abandoned a purchase because of a lack of digital information in the aisle, meaning lost sales opportunities.
With electronic shelf label (ESL) capabilities you can bring the digital engagement consumers crave to the shelf-edge. Featuring scannable QR codes, customers can self-serve and find out more about the product or brand, the latest pricing and offers, as well as ordering an item online if the size or model they are looking for is sold out in store.
To find out how INTERSPORT and other sports retailers use ESLs are embracing the digital revolution at the shelf-edge, and enhancing CX to improve sales, contact Peter Ward at Pricer on: Peter.Ward@pricer.com