When even your auntie who lives down in Kent has an etsy store as a side-hustle – that brings her a tidy sum each month to pay off her credit card debts – it’s difficult not to wonder how you can boost your own sales in this cluttered ocean of online sellers. It’s easy to get down about it… but snap out of it!
The struggle may be real when it comes to the problem of boosting in sales, but when there’s a will, there’s a way. When it comes to PR, it’s safe to say Joshua Walker PR have thrown the rulebook in the shredder. Founded three years ago by Joshua Walker, the ex-journalistturned- PR-supreme is bringing his five easy things you can to boost you (or your client’s) sales:
1. Share, share, share your products/services on Social Media – and we’re talking here across all social media platforms. You may feel it’s just your grandma that still uses it, but Facebook is invaluable to brands for promotion. The same goes for Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. By building followers across the big four, you better spread the word about how cool what your brand offers is, broadening your potential to bring in more sales in the process.
2. Email newsletters can be your best pal – use your shiny and regularly sent-out (we hope!) newsletters to better promote your current offerings. Have a new line released? Promote it. Event happening in a couple weeks? Promote it. A list of subscribers that you email are sales gold because those folks who hit the subscribe button are invested in your brand enough to want to hear from you from time to time; capitalise that. Give them a nudge to buy something sometime.
3. Offer glitzy discounts or special gifts to returning customers – whether it’s a referral code that bags them and their pal a discount off your product, or a bonus freebie as a reward for sticking around, treat your loyal customers. Consider emailing returning customers codes as thanks, giving a nice sales boost.
4. Do some housekeeping on your product listing / website – if you need to spike up your sales have a look at your analytics. Where is your traffic coming from? Are they coming back? Are backlinks all working? Are people engaging with the website? Are product descriptions up to date? Use the answers to maximise traffic sources and streamline your website to keep users for longer – and working their way to the check out page!
5. Give your customers payment options – now, you’d actually be surprised how many brands don’t actually offer PayPal on their site. PayPay is, let’s be real, for those whose debit cards are downstairs and they can’t be bothered to go fetch it. So, if a website doesn’t have PayPal as a payment option, they might ditch the buy out of sheer laziness. On top of Mastercard and Visa, keep payment options nice and varied; broadening how many people can buy from you.