‘Retail Champion’ Clare Rayner explains the idea behind the initiative and how you can get involved.
When is Independent Retailer Month?
July, and any independent retailer – online only, market trader, shop-based or multi-channel – can take advantage of this global ‘shop local’ campaign. Consumer facing businesses are encouraged to run events, promotions and activities throughout July to celebrate, with their customers, what they offer to their local community.
Independent Retailer Month highlights the important role smaller, local, independent retailers play in the communities they serve, the local economy they contribute to and in the retail sector as a whole. Founded in the USA in 2009 by Kerry Bannigan, CEO of Nolcha Fashion Week, Independent Retailer Month UK launched in June 2011 and is led by myself.
Why has it been launched?
Independent Retailer Month was launched to address growing international concerns about the homogenisation of our towns and the drain of customers from our local centres to out of town retail parks, shopping centres and online competition.
The initiative aims to:
• Impact the independent retail sector globally with relevant support, expertise and insights.
• Connect consumers and communities with local retailers, reminding them of the benefits of shopping local.
• Engage small business organisations, networks and thought leaders to promote the importance of independent retail to the global, national and local economies.
If consumers can embed shopping with local, independent retailers as part of their regular behaviours and shopping habits alongside online and out of town, this will be a great boost for our towns.
How/why should independent retailers get involved?
Retailers keen to get involved can find a wealth of information at www.independentretailermonth.co.uk. For example, there is an ideas and resources page with numerous free downloadable ‘how to’ guides covering everything from using social media to dressing a shop window, planning a range to setting up a marketing plan. There is also the UK Shops Directory, where retailers can list their businesses free of charge.
Retailers can also download logos and our fantastic window poster from our flickr site (www.flickr.com/independentretailermonthUK) and display these on their website or in their windows to show their support and catch the eye of passing consumers.
Retailers are encouraged to speak to their neighbouring retailers and local representatives from any of the official supporters and create engaging promotions, activities and events throughout July. They should focus on re-engaging with the local shopper, drawing them back into their store, and by delivering a great shopping experience they can remind them about what fantastic smaller retailers are right on their doorstep.
Can you give us some examples of activities being planned?
To kick-start Independent Retailer Month there will be a launch event on Sunday, July 1. This day-long event, held at Cranmore Park near Solihull, features keynotes from award winning independent retailers, retail experts and one-to-one ‘ask the expert’ sessions.
Designed specifically with the needs and wants of independent retailers in mind, it includes a discussion with panellists representing the Association of Town Centre Management, Action For Market Towns, British Independent Retailers Association, Federation of Small Businesses and Skillsmart Retail.
Those who attend are guaranteed a great opportunity to learn from and network with a wide variety of retailers, experts and organisations whose remit is to voice their needs and wants right up to national government level.
Up to 200 retailers are expected on the day, and those who attend will get practical tips and advice they can put into action in their own businesses immediately. In addition, there will be plenty of networking time.
You can read full details and register via www.independentretailermonth.eventbrite.co.uk.
Throughout July we’ll also be releasing a ‘blog a day’ for indie retail – 31 guest blogs sharing experiences, hints, tips and advice relevant to independent retailers. This will be published via www.retailchampion.wordpress.com and shared on Twitter, including #indieretail, as well as on our Facebook wall (www.facebook.com/independentretailermonthUK).
Several branded product suppliers are planning to support promotions throughout July to encourage sales of their products through the independent retail channel. If you have suppliers you think might want to support their retailers, let them know about this initiative and see what they might be able to do for you.
We don’t know your customers and your local audience as well as you do, so we can’t second guess what promotions, activities and events would work for you – you are only limited by your own imagination. Of course, whatever you do you need to shout about it – get vocal about shopping local.
Contact the news desk at your local newspaper or radio station and leverage the opportunity to get some PR. Remember that with all the focus on town centres and high streets, thanks to the Portas Review, your local press should be interested in reporting how businesses in their area are fighting back.
Speak to other retailers and consumer facing businesses in your local community, let them know about the campaign and discuss how, as a group, independent businesses in your area can work together to leverage Independent Retailer Month to attract more customers from the local community.
It’s been said that it takes six weeks to create a habit, so with the whole of July to engage and inspire customers to shop local again you’ll be most of the way to helping them form a lasting local habit.