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Six sports suffer grass roots funding cuts

Sport England has withdrawn a total of £2.8 million of funding from the Football Association, the England Golf Partnership, England Netball, England Hockey, the British Mountaineering Council and British Rowing as a result of its first payment for results review, which looks at the methods the governing bodies it funds are using to increase the number of people playing sport.

The England and Wales Cricket Board, Badminton England and the Rugby Football Union have been put on notice that they must deliver growth by December 2014 or lose money next year.

“I want these decisions to send a clear message to those national governing bodies who need to change,” Sport England chief executive Jennie Price says.

“This year we are removing up to 10 per cent of their future investment and we will be working with them to improve their plans.

“I want to reassure people who play those sports that they won’t lose out – we will still fund them, but through other bodies such as local authorities or charities.

“Where we think NGBs are doing the right things to encourage people to play their sport, we are backing them by giving them another year to prove their plans can deliver results.”

Sport England is taking £1.6 million away from the FA because the number of people playing football regularly has dropped sharply.

It plans to reinvest the money in a ‘City of Football’, with the aim of creating a range of new opportunities to encourage more people to play the sport regularly and sharing the findings with the FA.

Sport England said £496,000 is to be withdrawn from the England Golf Partnership.

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