
UPDATED: KORS is closing its doors

Following the Outdoor Trade Show (OTS) move to Event City, Manchester, and the co-operation with ROKS in 2018, Kendal Outdoor Retail Show (KORS) announced it will be joining OTS, making one unified trade show in the UK, back in Manchester, from July 9-11.

The organisers of KORS have stated that the 2018 show held in July will be the last. This year’s KORS show attracted its usual healthy visitor numbers, but feedback from the majority of KORS exhibitors indicates that with the new OTS show location and timings, new choices needed to be made for the benefit of exhibitors and visitors alike.

Clive Allen, KORS show coordinator, said: “With that in mind, given that a unified UK summer trade show gives those exhibitors and visitors a number of new positives, the KORS Committee has decided to transfer and put its efforts into the OTS show.

“The KORS Committee and coordinators wish to thank its exhibitors, visitors and supporters who have helped give the event such a unique identity, and are confident that the KORS vibe and success will work to the benefit of OTS in the future.”

The KORS committee and organisers will be announcing shortly, in conjunction with OTS, offers on travel and accommodation deals for Cumbrian retailers, emphasising the benefits of attending the Manchester show.

Andrew Denton, CEO of the Outdoor Industries Association (OIA) said: “The OIA has been campaigning for one unified trade show for many years – at first working with ROKS and KORS on the shuttle bus, then joining the OTS founders and now finally this, a unified focal point for the trade.

“Following the move to Manchester this year, which received excellent feedback from exhibitors and visitors alike we are delighted that KORS have joined us. 2019 will be the year that the Manchester show becomes a single hub of the industry and we are looking forward to working with all the exhibitors and retailers to make it the platform for doing business and networking in the UK.”

Marta Williams, OTS organiser, added: “ We are now getting ready to open bookings for the 2019 show, and information will be sent to our 2018 exhibitors in the next few days. We are really looking forward to welcoming exhibitors and visitors in Manchester again and are working on some new features and visitor incentives following feedback from this year’s show.”

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