
Hi-Tec behind ‘Liquid Mountaineering’ viral

Hi-Tec has revealed it was behind the ‘Liquid Mountaineering’ viral that has reached the top 100 favourite all-time viewed global sports clips on YouTube with viewing figures well over four million.

The documentary-type ‘film’ features three men running across a lake, thanks to the water repellent qualities of their Hi-Tec shoes.

“We wanted to create a piece of entertainment around our hydrophobic footwear and get people talking and thinking about the brand differently,” says Simon Bonham, Hi-Tec group head of marketing.

“The idea was to take a traditional form of marketing and totally turn it around on its head, in the process capturing the fun spirited side of our brand.

“The reaction to the viral has surpassed all expectations, with people all over the world debating whether this could indeed be possible or not and even trying to do their own Liquid Mountaineering. We’ve even seen a number of entertaining attempts appear on YouTube and other places on the web.”

To create the viral Hi-Tec worked with CCCP, an independent advertising agency in Amsterdam known for its award winning work for Dutch retailer HEMA.

It has featured on thousands of blogs and received TV coverage in Japan, Brazil, Germany, the US, Australia, Korea, Spain, France and Georgia.

Says Bonham: “After the initial buzz and well over four million views on YouTube to date, we thought it was finally time to come clean and unveil to the world that Hi-Tec were behind the viral.

“Whilst our shoes have some amazing liquid repellency features, even we still can’t walk on water – it was all a well intended hoax.”

To watch Hi-Tec’s Liquid Mountaineering click:

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